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WormBase Tree Display for Transposon_family: Tc1

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Name Class

Tc1TitleC.elegans transposable family TC1.
DescriptionTc1 is 1,610 bp long and contains two 54-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). It is flanked by a 2bp duplication of the target sequence. TC1 was isolated in 1983 and was the first C. elegans transposon to be identified and remains one of most active and best characterized. The TCl sequence contains two long open reading frames on the same DNA strand but in different translational reading frames. The positions of transcriptional control sequences suggest that a single transcript is made, which could produce two polypeptides, 273 and 112 amino acids in length.
Tc1 is 1,610 bp long and contains two 54-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). TC1 was isolated in 1983 as a repeated sequence responsible for polymorphism among different strains.
Family_members (33)
In_variation (1261)