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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00008495

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Summary[Punc-64::UNC-64(deletion SNARE motif)::TolA(+)]
Coinjection_otherPexp-1::GFP and lin-15
Construction_summaryClone = pMH437. To make a construct with a TolA helix in place of the SNARE motif, we first deleted the SNARE motif and substituted SphI and KpnI sites (pMH429). We amplified a fragment downstream of the SNARE motif flanked by PfoI and NsiI sites introducing internal SphI and KpnI sites (oligos: snaredel long 5' and snaredel 3'). This fragment was ligated into pTX21 at the endogenous PfoI and NsiI sites (pMH429). Next, the TolA helix was amplified from TolAII pET14b (gift from Michael Kay, University of Utah, Salt Lake City; oligos: TolA5' and TolA3'). The fragment was ligated into pMH429 at the SphI and KpnI sites to make pMH437. Microinjection of pMH437 into NM979 (100 ng/uL with Pexp-1::GFP and lin-15) yielded oxEx565, which was X-ray-integrated and outcrossed (oxIs236).
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans