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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00090336

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Date15 Aug 2011 00:00:00
GenotypeccIs4251 [Pmyo-3::MitGFP, Pmyo-3::NLS::GFP-lacZ]
Treatment3-4 L4 hermaphrodite worms were placed on an RNAi plate and incubated for 72-96 hours at 20 degrees Celsius. Young adult progeny were then scored for mitochondrial morphological defects/dystrophies. An additional examination of mitochondrial morphology was made in adults again 24 hours later. L4 hermaphrodites from the F1 generation were then transferred to newly seeded RNAi plates for examination of the F2 generation. Genes whose knockdown was observed to affect mitochondrial morphology in the F1 and F2 generations above were retested by exposing adult worms to an acute exposure of RNAi bacteria. In these experiments, worms were raised to young adulthood on non-RNAi bacteria at 20 degrees Celsius and then manually transferred to RNAi plates. Mitochondrial morphology was examined 24, 48, and 72 hours post transfer.
InhibitsPredicted_gene (11)
Transcript (11)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Remark(Figure S2) unc-13 RNAi