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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000014650

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WBPicture0000014650DescriptionFigure 3 MAPK-15 is expressed in ciliated sensory neurons and localizes to the ciliary axoneme, basal body, and apical junction. (A) Representativeimages of worms expressing GFP under the control of mapk-15 upstream regulatory sequences (mapk-15p). DiI costains six pairs of ciliated amphid headneurons and the pair of ciliated PHA/B phasmid tail neurons. Anterior is at left. Bar, 50 um (left-most panels) and 15 um (other panels). Lab, inner labialcells; quad, outer labial quadrant cells. (B) Representative images of head sensory neuronal cilia in worms expressing MAPK-15c::GFP (endogenouspromoter) and the transition zone marker, TMEM-107::RFP. Anterior is at left. Bar, 2 um. (C) Representative images of PHA/B and AWB cilia from wormsexpressing GFP::MAPK-15c (nphp-4 or str-1 promoter) and either mapk-15p::myr-mCherry (PHA/B) or str-1p::mCherry (AWB). Arrows, ciliary axoneme;arrowhead, basal body; asterisk, apical junction. Anterior is at left. Bar, 5 um. (D) Representative images of phasmid cilia from worms expressingmCherry::MAPK-15c (bbs-8 promoter) and either the basal body marker, GFP::GASR-8 (nphp-4 promoter), or the transition zone marker, NPHP-4::GFP(endogenous promoter). Arrows, ciliary axoneme; arrowhead, basal body; asterisk, apical junction. Anterior is at left. Bar, 5 um. (E) Representativeimages of PHA/B and ADF cilia from worms expressing mCherry::MAPK-15c (endogenous promoter for PHA/B; srh-142 promoter for ADF) and AJM-1a::GFP (nphp-4 promoter for PHA/B) or AJM-1::CFP (srh-142 promoter for ADF). Arrows, ciliary axoneme; arrowhead, basal body; asterisk, apical junction.Anterior is at left. Bar, 5 um. (F) Cartoon representation of MAPK-15 localization (green) to the apical junction, basal body, and middle segments ofamphid and phasmid channel cilia. Only one axoneme shown for simplicity. PCMC: periciliary membrane compartment. Socket and sheath cells are glialcells. (G) Representative images of MAPK-15c localization in ADF cilia of wild-type (WT) and mutant animals (n $ 16 each). Of hyls-1 mutants, 51%exhibit the shown phenotype. Arrows, ciliary axoneme; arrowhead, basal body; asterisk, apical junction. Anterior is at left. Bar, 5 um. (H) Representativeimages of MAPK-15c and AJM-1 localization in ADF cilia of WT and hyls-1 mutant animals (n $ 20 each). Arrows, ciliary axoneme; arrowhead, basalbody; asterisk, apical junction. Anterior is at left. Bar, 5 um.
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