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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000013454

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WBPicture0000013454DescriptionFigure S1 Further details of mod-1 and ser-4 reporter expression patterns. (A) Adult head region showing mod-1::mCherry and unc-47::GFP fluorescence superimposed on a brightfield image of the animal. The unc-47 reporter labels GABAergic neurons. This image demonstrates that not all GABAergic neurons expressed mod-1::mCherry. The two doubled-labeled GABAergic cells (arrow) that did express mod-1::mCherry were RME interneurons. (B) Ventral view of the vulval region of a young adult expressing ser4::GFP. Arrows, the fluorescent ventral nerve cord (VNC) running the length of the animal. Arrowheads, the four vm2 muscle cells also labeled by ser4::GFP. Bar=40 um.
AcknowledgmentTemplateWormBase thanks the journal <Journal_URL> for permission to reproduce figures from this article. Please note that this material may be protected by copyright. Reprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. Copyright (<Publication_year>) with permission from <Publisher_URL>