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WBPicture0000012527DescriptionFigure S4. Bilaterally symmetric expression of hlh-14 in other neuronal lineages. A: Ventral view of the 3D-positions of additional bilaterally symmetric cells that express hlh-14 at the AB256-cell stage. In the posterior of the embryo neuroblasts from the predominantly hypodermal ABplap/prap (green) and ABarpp (pink) lineages express hlh-14. Cell coloring after [10]. B: Panel shows the expression (purple lines) of hlh-14 and in certain cases the division pattern as determined by 4D-lineage analysis of the ABplap/prap lineages of wild-type embryos (containing the ntIs1 transgene). hlh-14 expression was assessed in both gmIs20 and hlh- 14(tm295); Ex[hlh-14FOS::yfp] animals. In the case of the PLM/ ALN lineage, expression was only observed in gmIs20. Red cell names indicate neurons/glia and yellow cell names indicate hypodermis. C: Panel shows the expression (purple lines) of hlh-14 in the ABarpp lineage in wild-type embryos, as determined by 4Dlineage analysis. Red cell names indicate neurons/glia and yellow cell names indicate hypodermis.
Anatomy (14)
AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. <Publisher_URL> <Publication_year>.