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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000012011

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WBPicture0000012011DescriptionFig. 5. ITX-1 protein localization. (A): ITX-1 localizes to adherence junctions in the intestine. anti-ITX-1 immunostaining of an L1 larval stage animal is shown. (B-C): Immuno-EM with anti-ITX-1 antibodies. Arrows point to the electron dense gold particles of ITX-1 antibody that is situated in close vicinity to the typical C. elegans adherens junction and along the baso-lateral membrane of intestinal cells. (D-F): ITX-1 antibody staining in the intestine, along the apical junction appears as a wider belt than the adherens junction marked using an antibody to AJM-1. (G-M): Co-localization of ITX-1 and b-G Spectrin in the intestine (G-J) and the pharynx (K-L). Panels F, I and M are merges of the preceding red and green images.
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