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WBPicture0000011749DescriptionFig. 9. GFP expression under the control of the csq-1 promoter. Live transgenic animals were observed under a fluorescence microscope. (A) A threefold-stage embryo inside the eggshell shows GFP expression in body-wall muscle. (B) A larva showing body-wall muscle cells expressing GFP. (C) An adult showing GFP expression in body-wall muscles from anterior head (left) to posterior tail (right). The twist of the body is due to the roller phenotype of this transgenic animal. (D) An adult worm of a csq-1::gfp-expressing line after injection of gfp dsRNA, showing residual expression in vulval and pharyngeal muscles. Body-wall muscle expression has been severely reduced by RNAi. Magnified view of pharyngeal (E) and vulval muscle (F) expression. (G-I) Progeny of wild-type worms injected with csq-1 dsRNA and immunostained with anti-CSQ-1 antibody, showing residual CSQ-1 expression in pharyngeal and vulval muscles only. Body-wall muscle expression has been severely reduced by RNAi, as seen in D. Bars, 50 μm.
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