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WBPicture0000011631DescriptionFigure 6. Expression patterns of ryr-1/lacZ transgenes. A and B, Body-wall and pharyngeal muscle nuclei stain in a young adult and a third stage (L3) larva expressing pRRZ4824L. The posterior cells of the pharynx (m5-m8) stain most strongly. Arrowhead, pharyngeal muscles; arrow, vulval muscles; double arrow, anus muscles. C, Typical staining of non-muscle cells (neuronal, intestinal and hypodermal cells) in an L2 larva expressing pRRZ462. Plasmids pRRZ1470, pRRZ1271, pRRZ836 and pRRZ239 produce almost the same pattern but pRRZ1470L stain pharyngeal muscles and non-muscle cells. Bars represent 100 um.
Anatomy (11)
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