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WBPicture0000009852DescriptionFigure 1. Expression Pattern of Pannexin inx-16. (A) Expression of GFP driven by the promoter of inx-16 (plasmid pMAP4). Fluorescence is observed in the intestine of an adult worm. GFP accumulates in the nuclei (bright circles). The anterior is to the left.(B) Expression of a functional translational fusion protein INX-16:GFP (plasmid pMAP3). The fluorescent fusion protein is localized to the sites of intestinal cell-cell contacts. The arrows mark the dorsal-ventral contacts of two intestinal cells in a ring, and the arrowheads mark the anterior-posterior sites of intestinal cell contacts.(C) Electron micrograph of an intestinal cell-cell junction. A dorsal-ventral cross section of an adult intestine shows the ultrastructure of intestinal cell contacts. The white arrows mark the gap junctions between the cells, and the arrowhead marks the adherens junctions. The black arrow points to the basal membrane of one intestinal cell. On the right, an enlargement of the region bracketed by the white lines is shown.(D) Double labeling of a functional translational fusion protein INX-16:GFP (plasmid pMAP3) and intestinal plasma membranes with Pvit-2:myr-mCherry (pJPW1). The myr-mCherry (cyan) is localized to the plasma membrane, and INX-16:GFP puncta (magenta) are present at the sites of cell-cell contact. The confocal images are superimposed on a nomarski image of the intestine. Some intestinal cells are not included in the confocal stack and therefore are not colored.(E) Interpretative diagram of intestinal cells shown in (D). One intestinal cell has been removed from the intestinal tube so that the approximate localization of INX-16:GFP at cell junctions could be shown. The lumen is indicated by the presence of microvilli; the INX-16 puncta are shown as magenta dots. The dashed line marks the edge of the removed cell.(F) The intestine of a mosaic animal expressing INX-16:GFP in a subset of intestinal cells. Cells expressing INX-16:GFP are marked with a '+', and cells not expressing INX-16:GFP cells are marked with a '-'. Normal localization of INX-16:GFP was observed at cell-cell contacts between INX-16:GFP expressing cells but is absent from cell-cell contacts between expressing and nonexpressing cells.
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