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WormBase Tree Display for Person: WBPerson62094

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Name Class

WBPerson62094Name (6)
AddressStreet_addressSection of Neurobiology
Division of Biological Sciences
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093
CountryUnited States of America
InstitutionUniversity of California, San Diego; La Jolla CA, United States of America
TrackingLast_verified20 Jun 2023 00:00:00
LineageSupervisedWBPerson383Phd01 JAN 1983 00:00:0001 JAN 1989 00:00:00
WBPerson384Phd01 JAN 1981 00:00:0001 JAN 1987 00:00:00
Possibly_publishes_asKristan WB