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WormBase Tree Display for Person: WBPerson11115

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Name Class

Last_namevan Oudenaarden
Standard_nameAlexander van Oudenaarden
Full_nameAlexander van Oudenaarden
Also_known_asA van Oudenaarden
AddressStreet_addressHubrecht Institute
Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research
P.O. Box 85164
Uppsalalaan 8
Utrecht, 3584 CT
InstitutionHubrecht Institute; Utrecht, Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW; Amsterdam, Netherlands
University Medical Center Utrecht; Utrecht, Netherlands
TrackingLast_verified13 Dec 2021 00:00:00
Old_address08 Mar 2010 00:00:00InstitutionMassachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge MA, United States of America
Director Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences ( KNAW) and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Lab 2 locations, MIT and Hubrecht Institute
Since 2009, he has been the director of the NIH/NCI-funded Physical Sciences-Oncology center at MIT. In 2012 he started as director of the Hubrecht Institute and was awarded an ERC Advanced Investigator award and NWO VICI award.
Starting Jan. 2014 Iab will be exclusively at the Hubrecht
LineageSupervisedWBPerson15630Phd01 JAN 2009 00:00:0001 JAN 2013 00:00:00
WBPerson11116Phd01 JAN 2006 00:00:00
WBPerson13901Phd01 JAN 2006 00:00:00
WBPerson11496Postdoc01 JAN 2006 00:00:0001 JAN 2009 00:00:00
PublicationPaper (26)
Possibly_publishes_asvan Oudenaarden A
van Oudenaarden Alexander