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WormBase Tree Display for GO_term: GO:0016286

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Name Class

GO:0016286Namesmall conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity
DefinitionEnables the transmembrane transfer of potassium by a channel with a unit conductance of 2 to 20 picoSiemens that opens in response to stimulus by internal calcium ions. Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels are more sensitive to calcium than are large conductance calcium-activated potassium channels. Transport by a channel involves catalysis of facilitated diffusion of a solute (by an energy-independent process) involving passage through a transmembrane aqueous pore or channel, without evidence for a carrier-mediated mechanism.
SynonymExactSK calcium-activated potassium channel activity
SK KCa channels
small conductance KCa channels
IndexAncestor (36)
GO_annotation (41)
VersionGene Ontology releases/2024-03-28