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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00049098:heat-induced_hrde-1(tm1200)

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WBPaper00049098:heat-induced_hrde-1(tm1200)DescriptionTranscripts that were induced in hrde-1(tm1200) animals by multigenerational heat stress.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
AlgorithmThe Bio-conductor R package of DEseq was used for this analysis. Heat-induced genes were defined as genes with at least twofold increase in their mean mRNA expression levels at 23C over the ones at 15C (FDR <= 0.1) in both biological repeats. Heat-repressed genes were defined as genes with at least two-fold decreases in their mean mRNA expression levels at 23C over the ones at 15C (FDR <= 0.1) in both biological repeats.
Gene (301)
RegulationRegulated_by_treatmentMultigenerational temperature shift.
RemarkType: Response to Temperature Stimulus - Heat
For the multigenerational temperature-shift experiment, synchronized worms were cultured at 15C for three generations (15C-G1, G2, and G3), and then at 23C for six generations (23C-G1 to G6), followed by 15C for three generations (p15C-G1, G2, and G3).