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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00045439:BM_Cluster_P8

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WBPaper00045439:BM_Cluster_P8DescriptionTime-course transcript abundance profiles. P116, k-means clusters of Brugia malayi during development in Aedes aegypti LVP between day 1 and 8 post infection; H114, k-means clusters of Ae. aegypti LVP infected with B. malayi between day 0 and 8 post infection; and HR14, host response profile comparing infected vs. uninfected A. aegypti LVP.
SpeciesBrugia malayi
AlgorithmNon-flat profiles (p < 0.01 and maximum fold-difference among time points > 2) were grouped into common temporal patterns using k-means clustering.
Gene (83)
RemarkType: Co-expression Cluster