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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00037950:dopaminergic-neurons_L3-L4-larva_expressed

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WBPaper00037950:dopaminergic-neurons_L3-L4-larva_expressedDescriptionGenes that showed expression levels higher than the corresponding reference sample (L3/L4 all cell reference).
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
AlgorithmA Mann-Whitney U test with an empirical background model and FDR correction for multiple testing was used to detect expressed transcripts (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995). Genes and TARs with an FDR <= 0.05 were reported as expressed above background. Authors detected differentially expressed transcripts using a method based on linear models. Genes and TARs were called differentially expressed if the FDR was <= 0.05 and the fold change (FC) >= 2.0. To more strictly correct for potential false-positives resulting from multiple sample comparisons, authors divided individual FDR estimates by the number of samplesor sample comparisons, respectively. This resulted in an adjusted FDR of 1.3 * 0.0001 for expression above background and of 7.4 * 0.0001 for differential expression. Authors called genes selectively enriched in a given tissue if they met the following requirements: (1) enriched expression in a given tissue (FDR <= 0.05 and FC >= 2.0), (2) fold change versus reference among the upper 40% of the positive FC range observed for this gene across all tissues, and (3) fold-change entropy among the lower 40% of the distribution observed for all genes.
Gene (5796)