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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00010901

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Construction_summary[unc-61::gfp] translational fusion. To make an UNC-61::GFP translational fusion, a 6348-bp BamHI-ended genomic fragment was amplified. The genomic fragment contains the unc-61 open reading frame open reading frame Y50E8A.4 in addition to 3336 bp of upstream DNA, including the entire upstream open reading frame Y50E8A.5, as well as 664 bp of downstream material. The fragment was cloned into the BamHI site of pBluescript SK+. An AgeI site was generated immediately before the stop codon of unc-61. An AgeI-ended GFP with artificial C. elegans introns was amplified by using Pfu Turbo from pPD188.33 using appropriate synthetic primers. The GFP fragment was then inserted into the generated AgeI site of the unc-61-containing vector to create pKK84. --precise ends.