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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00010221

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Construction_summary[unc-42::gfp] transcriptional fusions. The pRB18 construct contains 2.6 kb of upstream unc-42 genomic sequence fused to the GFP coding sequence at the N terminus of unc-42. To construct pRB18, a new XbaI site was introduced by PCR at the initiation codon of unc-42. An 80 bp sequence generated by digesting the PCR product with SalI and XbaI was co-ligated with a 2.5 kb HindIII-SalI genomic fragment into the HindIII-XbaI site of the GFP expression vector pPD95.77. pRB22 contains 7.5 kb of unc-42 genomic sequence and encodes a full-length UNC-42 protein with a GFP tag at the C terminus. pRB22 was generated by reconstructing the unc-42 genomic region in pRB18. A new XbaI site was inserted at the 3 end of the unc-42 coding sequence by PCR.